Gone are the days when flags would just be some symbol to define countries. Fast forward to the Gen z era, green flags mean, "right things you should look out for, in a person/any relationship".
You might think that these green flag people are easy to find but it's harder than getting a green card to live abroad, so if you find anyone who has these green cards; Keep them.

They know communication's worth.
For starters, communication goes beyond sending memes everyday. 'Communication is the key' is something we’ve all heard but…communication doesn’t just mean bolna. If they actually make efforts to actively listen and respond properly in order to be a good communicator
They come in Positiwitty
In a world where we already don’t like anything or anyone much, a ray of sunshine in a person is all we need to make lives better. But we don't need a sandeep maheshwari either now, Do we? So if you know someone like that who brings honest plus witty positiwitty in your life go thank them. And if possible, try to be this person for someone, you never know who needs it.
"What did one donut say to the other? Let's talk about our 'Fillings' xP"
They support you
The best thing someone can do for you is just be there for you. A major green flag is when they turn up for you when you need them and even if they disagree with you they will try to understand your perspective and give you the support you need

They respect respecting
A very undermined trait is that of mutual respect. Everyone deserves love and respect, simple and if someone can’t express or deliver on it for you, run. Because the feeling of being loved might be beautiful but respect is what takes the front seat in the long run
They show affection
They do not shy away from showering you with love. It might take them a while to understand your love language but they will try their best to make you feel loved and cared for, because you deserve that.
And if you're having trouble finding any green flags, let us tell you our mixers have abundance of people with green flags.

About the author
"Nimisha is a bibliophile living on hope while romanticising everything. Everything is a story if told correctly, and that’s what I’m trying to do for now. Living life and writing about it, hoping it makes someone smile."